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Reviews for "Battletoads - Level2 Metalized"

I Love It :)

This is wicked man, I also am a huge fan of the battletoads music... and the game as well... and u did a wicked job on this, sounds supreme!!!

GoreBastard responds:

Awesome... I'm glad someone remembers that game, the bonus level had cool music, so I'll do that too.
Cheers for't review 8^)

wow. awesome.

that was great. i love it. i've never played the game, but at least now i know it's got cool music, and the way you did it was really awesome. i love the oldschool kind of sound, and tone. keep it up.


battle toads rock and it was brilliant

Fuckin' nice...

I agree, I loved the battletoads music. I just remember I couldn't get past that one fucking level where you were in the fucking bike thing and you had to jump over the shit... but anyway, I gave a low originality score for obvious reasons, I took points off clarity because there was some occasional feedback, but that's understandable. The rest kicked total ass. I wish there was a "favorite music author" list on newgrounds, because you'd be on top of mine.

Very Good-Well Done

Nice man, not as good as F-Zero, or 'Bond, but still a GoreBastard masterpiece. Is it just me mate, or have you got a skill for making old soundtracks from the SNES or N64 come to life?