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Reviews for "Magus RPG"


it was a ok game but it takes some time cause i just ran further and furhter and i got my ass kicked and i think that the combat system is ok but make it the way so we can use the arrows instead of the mouse cause its annoying it realy is......
i still give u a good score even though i dont have to patient to play it then it seemed like a very good game.....

reminds me a little of Final Fantasy...........

but as i said i think its a good game if u have the time to paly it and if u dont have the time then dont even bother try it!!!!!

I liked it

Kinda hard for me though, I died 'round the green yoda lookin' dudes.

Not too shabby, in fact it's pretty good

I didnt get too far, I just got to the Viper Manor or whatever its called and then I used an Elixer instead of a Tonic... can I Just make one suggestion, beside the items you say what they are and what they are for

very cool.

I always thought that Magus deserved his own game! Nice work, I love how you used both CT and CC music, it really helped the whole "feel" of the world. Oh, before i forget, the random battle ratio was really high.... The almighty Magus was killed by a freakin imp in the middle ages.... kida sad. But that's just me. Good job!

W00t! Chrono Trigger!

'nuff said...
I need to play that game again soon.
Very well done!