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Reviews for "NONE HERE GO AWAY"

Your Not Lonely

Good flash but i float the same boat as well along with me other people so do not feel so lonely cuz in a way you r not and best of luck with ur life

rgfunnyman responds:

I guess so.

thats so true.........

that just sucks when u really like (love in my case) that 1 special person and then something happens that breaks ur heart. the girl that i loved was the only 1 outta all my girlfriends ive been with. well i hope this flash doesnt go 2 the graveyard good luck on ur future acomplishments.

rgfunnyman responds:


Fuck the last reviewer!

I know what it feels like, dude.
I'm sorry for ya.

rgfunnyman responds:

Yeah it sux


I know the feeling to things like these are always in my mind..it sucks..:( Mine is broken to:'(
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 1.8077 to 1.8246!

rgfunnyman responds:

Yeah alot of people do.


it sux to have someone do that to you, but just think about it, its partly your fault for not getting to her first though, girls come and go, but don't worry you'll find that special someone... okay i better stop there im sounding kinda cheesy! =) goodjob!