that was wierd and who would want to be a terrorist besides the really stupid people
that was wierd and who would want to be a terrorist besides the really stupid people
Alright Im pissed
Dude ive put up with a lot of shit with people dissing George bush when i bet nobody could do have the job he is doin. And about Bush Rigging elections that shit is bull he won popular and electoral votes and besides the only thing you have won is a Black eye and a shove in the closet for being so stupid
Dubya is responsible for over 100,000 deaths of people that were apparently being "freed" in an non-UN supported WAR. That is a terrorist. Him being a halfwitted lil daddies-boy doesn't excuse him.
you know...
It's scum like you that befouls the world.
I have no problem with democrats, little problem with most liberals... but when it comes to @$$h@ts, I really don't see any sense in them living.
First off, my moronic inferior disgrace to the human race, george w. bush is in fact NOT a terrorist. He's not a very good president, but he isn't satan for fucking christ sake. He isn't a retard, he's just "average", and much smarter than you.
Now for hard facts.
The seat of US President makes less than a highschool teacher.
You think bush is being babied? I'll bet most americans have depended on their father at one time or another for financial related things. But how many of us are completely and entirely dependant on their wife for funding? Ok, maybe alot of people like you, but as I see it, Kerry is THE parasite in his marraige.
Ok, you get a 10 for humor, I gotta assume you're joking. If you're serious then I suggest upping your medication.
Uh huh.
Wow, if this isn't a piece of crap, I don't know what is. I could go on and on about how nothing stated in the song has anything to back it up, but comparing the president to a terrorist goes beyond normal liberal stupidty and into plain insanity. I can't seem to remember......when was the last time Dubya planted a car bomb or flew a commercial airliner into a building? Oh yeah....NEVER. There are tons of things that the man has done that I hate, but at least if your going to make political flash movies, try getting a clue first. And maybe some facts. Or better yet, stop making flash altogether, because if this is the quality of your work, it would be better if we didn't have to sit thru any more of your garbage.
Dubya is responsible for over 100,000 deaths of people that were apparently being "freed" in an non-UN supported WAR. That is a terrorist. Him being a halfwit doesn't excuse him.
Don't like the flash mov? Don't watch it ;-)
Uh, sure buddy.
What a fucking moron.. Make some real flash.
"Ooh! They'll vote 5 because I'm all political and stuff!"
Go rant on democratic underground, they worship asses like you.