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Reviews for "Banana Phone Tribute"


I loved the first banana phone flash, but this didn't really add to it at all. Also, for alot of people who haven't even seen the original banana phone, this won't have made alot of sense. I gave this a 2 for nothing new or interesting, because this old idea relies on people having seen the first one. It can't stand alone.

AgainstMe responds:

I think it stands alone alright, I random short..

As the title says, it's a tribute.. so it never was to stand alone

lol it bringsback memories

i liked it but you should make it more longer so this wont get BLAMED it was funny tough

AgainstMe responds:

it wasn't blammed, but thanks for the review

i agree

i agree with the last review..... i can see banana phone turning into somewhat of a phenomenon on a par with the numa numa dance, i saw the origional on a random portal jump about a year or so ago and ive been trying to keep track of all the parodys scince, i have a feeling its gonna be another numa...

Not Bad

I like it even though it is really short. the graphics being consistant is good too. It made my day a little better.


It's not really a parody if you do exactly the same thing and piggyback your way into the portal of the success of the original movie. There's got to be something different, that pokes fun at the original, that's what a parody is.