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Reviews for "Diary of William Ostler"

not bad

it was nice, origional but nothing wow-worthy keep it up though good work for ure first atempt at thi sorta thing.

t3h-m4tt responds:

I think that eventually the series as a whole will be better than the sum of its parts. Stay tuned.

Oh, come on

I think that was great. Contrary to what the previous reviewer wrote, this was nothing like a Nazi Concentration Camp. The movie said it was a place where "people go to die" not where people are taken to be killed. Try reading a book sometime. Maybe Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s Welcome to the Monkey House. Its a great story about how the world becomes overpopulated, and people go to euthanasia clinics to help reduce the stress on the world. Dont jump to conclusions, and have fun with life. EXCELLENT JOB!!!

Aww... it's over???

C'mon it has to be longer than that! That was barely anything at all. This had some great potentional for a great story. It would have been alot cooler if you probed into his phyche and fun stuff as the days went on... or at least some other fun drawings and crap. It's like you just said aww fuck it and slapped a "the end" on it. With a little more effort it could've gotten a lot higher score from this reviewer.

And I really don't find this "dark and twisted humor," but it still held my interest very well. Kudos. MAKE 'EM LONGAH. *shakes fist menacingly*

t3h-m4tt responds:

Oh trust me... there'll be more to the next one.

It was a'ight...

I can't help but agree, his face does look a bit like fur. I kind of got bored...it was just pencil stick figures the whole way. I was sort of waiting for something really bizarre to happen, like him finding himself in a Die-ry. I like the style though...keep at it.

Twisted, and a little funny

I'm a fan of twisted humor, but that seemed a lot more twisted then it did humorous. Not bad though, but it could use either a little lightening up, or a little more over the top crazy.