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Reviews for "Roadside Philosophy"

not bad...

dude! the squirrel owns all!


The production values (graphics, and the worst part sound) were piss-poor, but they didn't bring down the total presentation which was hilarious. Sort of like a good video game, with low production values but a fun structure nonetheless.

started off really good....and ended really good

the middle kinda lagged and if those are really your philosphical views then you raised some great points...nice job pretty funny

See but the philosophy is flawed..

Both the characters are assuming fate is benevolent and that it wants to keep the living, living. Who's to say fate didn't will the first guy into attempting to prove it wrong and therefore killing both of them? Prehaps in an effort to rid the world of doubting "mortals". The squirrel may or may not be an agent of fate, laughing at their feeble to unstand the complexities of a far greater, and ultimatly evil, universal force. I still didn't get the jetpack thing tho :/

Flyborg responds:

Yeah I know - you can't really prove it - yadda yadda.

And don't squirrels have those everywhere? Canadian squirrels have jetbacks, so I just assumed...

hey pritty cool, pritty smart

unfortunatly its not really an argument that can be resolved, its one of those things that can be argued round in a huge circle. essestially theres no real right or wrong because you cant prove ether right or wrong without some form of higher being (if real) tellin you as the concept is well..a bit behond human concept when it comes down to real know how. its like how vast is the univerce, or can we contemplate eternity. no one can really give an answer. as for the standing in the road argument, that seemed like a cool point. no one would actually do that, or is it really fate that you would be doing that all along? unaswerable.
all in all it isnt somthing i concider worth pondering too hard about.