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Reviews for "60FPS Fun"


You guys suck and your flashes have no content and are just here to waste space and time. In closing I'd just like to say you suck and should never make flash again. Oh and standing in front of a bus would be something fun to try. =D

*waits for the losers that probably gave this movie a 5 and have nothing better to do but mark all the reviews with a No to say my review was not helpful* thanks guys!

j00bie responds:

yuo gies suk at falsh gut a lyfe

ya gyz

cam om fuka ! i love ya shit, my votez 4 ya is alradi 5

It may suck

but it bent me to it's will. I vote 5 for all of these bastards. I actually like them now.

uhhh, i know whats happening here

mass voting, u idiots. all the stuff by these star syndicate people has been crap, but somehow, it gets on NG. after the recent uncovering of the daily toon mass votes, well, i should think anyone involved should have there account deleted. and maybe an IP ban? everyone knows these are crap! look at the reviews! how do these people get such high scores???? mass voting and cheating the system. Jeez, people. get a life!! you suck at flash!! 2.17??? thats too high for this crap! maybe a 0 would be appropriate.

must blam before I start convulsing

*barely hits 0 button and hits floor and starts to convuls*