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Reviews for "Playground"

it was okay

one word: bland

In a word: "shit."

This is the shittiest piece of shit since the log that forced Wee Jock Poo Pong McPlop to retire in disgust as toilet cleaner of Aberdeen.

The axe wipe is far too slow, and used far too many times. Once would have sufficed, not every fucking 3 seconds. How about shaking it up a little? Maybe you could, I dunno, try having [b]different[/b] weapons go across, since the killer doesn't always use an axe... or just do a simple wipe.

Graphics: absolute shit. For instance, if you look closely, the swing appears to go UP as the rope gets closer to vertical; either the author has absolutely no concept of fundamental physics AND has never in his life been to a playground or seen anything swing at all in his life, or his attention to detail is worse than the time the president of the LGBT community forgot which candidate is which and voted Bush.

Don't even get me started on the horrible death animations, the utter lack of pacing, the fact that I can pantomime better violence with my hands and legs tied and 50 ounces of rum in me, or the fact that my dog can draw more realistic people.

In conclusion: try taking dumps in a bunch of bags and mailing them around to everyone who comes on Newgrounds; the result would be far more enjoyable for all of us.

Oh, and for the fucktard whose review is at the top as I'm writing this, DavronScell, the reason this sucks is not because it is not part of a series, or because no-one famous made it. There are plenty of excellent new releases by unknown people which I would vote highly for; the reason I say this is a piece of shit is because it is, and the biggest thing wrong with Newgrounds (aside from the ads to bad porn you'd have to have no taste to click on which get it firewalled at schools and elsewhere) is that shit like this can regularly get onto the front page and poison us all with its utter shittiness.

For the record, I do agree that many animations are given high scores just because of who made them, and that is stupid, but it doesn't make you any less of a horrible animator.

dam this was bad

sry no offense to the author but this wasnt that good
looks like the author has potential with his animation
but needs a much better style, sound and story
im not trashing u or anything but change up for the better

i gave it a six for the violence

i notice some people try to justify there scores i gave it all 10's but wait even on interactivity it was a MOVIE not a game and hey by the way if people want clocjs theres nothing you can do about it. MAJORITY RULES i myself dont care to mucg for the clocks unless there really good.so get over it.


ok... at first i saw it and thought 'ok... it isnt the smoothest visuals i've ever seen.... but it could still be good' but i was wrong... it was completely unrealistic, and pointless..... it wasnt even the funny kind of pointless killing... it just plain sucked....