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You called?

I see you were asking for me in the movie. Well now I'm here, now what? :P [Note: This is Seizure_Dog, I just changed my name for a bit]

Anyways, it was seizurerific. Not that I enjoy that mind you, but it sure had a lot of it.

what where you smoking when u made this?

This is like a good trip gone bad... ouch my head hurts..
started out ok..... but then it goes all skitzo .... thats what makes it crap.... but then i remember all the JP shows that make kids spaz out... imma guess sum peps like it..... not me

Go jump in a tub of cancerous acid

actually, the sound that Keanu Reeves made made me shit my pants, but it still was horrible


It really took two people to make this? Ho lee crap..that's sad.


your a stupid mother Fucker Ihate u .U dont anything so shut ur fucking mouth shitface.