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Reviews for "Mega Man X Secret Files"


i likeed the endine he raped alia lots of (. )( .)

you have potential.

That was a very well made flash but dont make your own background just get one from a sprite site from one of the sony megaman games. I liked the anime clips when the people were talking. That very shitty though next time get someone else to give you an Idea again that WAS WELL MADE execpt that background. I may not be as good as you with flash but I bet mine would do better cuz it was very lame.... I am sure you but alot of time and hard work into it just come up with some better material. I gave you high ratings thoug.

Cool. Sumthin I wanna say.

Hello. I am typing this to say to all those a$$holes who have replied to this movie with offensive material (not even any constructive critcism):

You all SUCK ARSE big time and should probably have one big get together where the whole lot of you obsessed freaks grab each others parts and get it on with infants, dogs, and corpses like the whole lot of dog-riding, cradle-snatching, body-humping, cock-sucking wankers you all are.

I think it's really sad that the author has had to read all that crap where losers like you bag him out like that, you don't even tell him how he might be able to make it better, you just say stuff like:
(in retarded loser accent): "Hyuk, hyuk! aK-chually, I fElT a SuhhhCking sensaestion on my buht, Hyuk, hyuk!"

Why don't YOU go home you stupid piece of shit.

I thought the movie was hilarious.

Random humour happens to be the funniest kind of humour in the world (ever seen Monty Python, "dick-not-included?"),and if you can't appreciate it, just say it wasn't funny instead instead of sending hurtful, destructive "reviews" like that. I am sick and tired of pricks like you guys who say hurtful things to people for no legitimate reason. Screw You A-Holes.

I'm outta here.

great shit mon...

u did a great job, i dont think i can help u at all except 4 one thing...the battle thingy, GREAT but the icon went by too fast, slow it down a bit k? i got it after 4 tries though..MAKE A PART THREE!!!!!


that was so hilarious! Venom being there made no sense, but thats why its hilarious! nice work!