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Reviews for "Fill & Bill == BETA"


i dont think your making a new 1 becuse you made this 3 years ago.

atleast the graphics didnt suck.

That was so boring. The graphics worked but thats all. I didnt like it.

I catch you?

Did you mean, like "gotcha"? It's weird because Fill (I think, and by the way, I prefer Phil =) anywho, the guy on the left) appeared to be really angry, which is not the case when you're pranking someone.
The graphics were really good, I'm not really all for the style, but hey, if it suits you - fine by me. Umm, the soundloop bugged me, and I think you need voice actors or something. I noticed there wasnt lipsynching, not really, but you could get the mood from how their mouths were moving (dont worry I hate lipsynching too, I think it's a waste of time ;)).
This was meant to be funny, but.. well.. it wasnt funny at all I thought, sorry, he punches him in the sky and he's like "I catch you'? how bizarre. The good thing about voices is also that you can put more feel in the dialogues (well obviously) but sometimes something is funny just by the way it's said.
If this is really your very very first movie, I'm proud of you, because it's nicely animated (the pow screen couldve been more cartoon-esk tho I think) and great drawings.
I'll be keeping an eye out for your work
you've got a fan :o),



would have been a lot better with some funny voices in there.


why such a low score, this is great!! great animation, very smooth, freat GREAT fucking graphics, and aswome music, what the hell?!?!?!

if you put voice acting in, and made it longer, this would be frontpage material!