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Reviews for "Fascist America"

It was truely beautiful.

I saw this article about 2 years ago strangly in a news paper in oklahoma of all places. Called "The Dirty F-Word" And it went through the same exact thing. I thought it was well done there, and well done here. This is a point that alot of people need to realize. Bush has created a fascist state. But, subsequently, the fascist state has it's own barrier of protection built into it. Similar to xianity. "Believe or goto hell" kinda thing. Great job.


I never looked at America like that, but that is all so true. And to all the people who just bash this pice of work, they are obiuously die hard bush supporters, or one of those guys holding the signs that say kill all terrorists. And another thing, this is for the guy that said that terrorists just want to kill americans and that they are crazy, well if you were living in a poor country and some big nation came to your country, killed your family, bombed your house, arrested your friends, told you how to live, enforced a type of government that is totaly foriegn to you and took everyting you love so much from you, you would to probobly go to america to kill some americans. I don't think that what they do is right, but they do have a pretty good reason to hate you guys. Why do you think Canada is never attacked?

Anyways good work Bushflash this was interesting.

great job

great job, i'm going to send this to so many of my friends - it's really quite chilling.
Oh and to "laughingInsanity", If kerry had one the election we would probably feel a whole hell of a lot safer. This flash was aimed at those preparing themselves to live in bush's fascist state, not those aimed at stopping him before he got elected so your question doesn't apply. (dumbass) As far as Bush not being responsible for the death of 6 million people, just give him time, he'll get around to it, most of the world, including 49% of your own country is pissed off about bush getting elected (to say he got re-elected would imply he had been elected before ) not just "liberal douche's", so once again, dumbass. What in fuck does your last statement have anything do to with anything? " too bad there isnt a conservative ass hole who submits political movies what would they make their movies about? a liberal douche would say they would make movies about how good bush is." WTF? What would a republican have to bitch about, they've firmly bought up the country and now all they have to do is sit back and watch it be destroyed. And finally, Canada could kick your bitch ass, we're like how america was supposed to be, clean, free health care, incredibly low crime rate, equal treatment for homosexuals, FAIR elections, i could go on an on, and besides, if i were you i wouldn't be making fun of anywhere that someone else comes from, your from NEW-FUCKING -JERSEY for christsakes.
Eat me :)

(sorry for sort of going off topic there bushflash just had to say that, great flash )

Yay for controversy.

I thought you made good points in this flash, but comparing fascism to Amrica is getting old and ridiculous. Fascism is a socialist regime, if anything America is moving towards the opposite of the concept of socialism. Also, for point 14, where you implied that the elections in America were rigged, you are entitled to your own viewpoint (i however, believe that in the second election bush did win through the mass ignorance of Americans). It would have been nice if you had pointed out the sham elections in Iraq which are put on for show, while the Iraqis don't even know the names of the candidates.

As for the person below me, stop being an ignoramus. I hate that mentality of "Don't like it,? Leave!" as it makes absolutely no sense and goes completely agains what America stands for. On top of that I love how you people categorize the world into America (good) and the Middle East (evil). Don't you people realize that there are plenty of other countries (EVEN IN THE MIDDLE EAST *cough*bahrain) that are civilized and where the standard of living is just as high as ours??

The truth hurts...

After reading most of the reviews of this flash I've come to the conlcusion that most against it are americans and those who love it are not... Ring a bell? Anyway, good work, I like to see people who are not afraid of airing their oppinion no matter how harsh. And for those of you thinking this movie are comparing America with Nazi-Germany, go read a history book. Hitler may be well known for being a facist, but facism are a political view. The reason it's called Nazi-Germany and not Nazi-Italy or Japan is becaus the holocaust was only in germany. Facism does not include persecution of people "who are different", thats nazism! Allthough you comparison are very good, you must remember that Hitler won the power legally after the failed coup in -33. And Earthpuddle, no war from 1900 - 1950 were started by the americans. They just jumped aboard when the allied forces were already starting to win the war. Most of you should go study your history. "knowing your past helps you understand your presens..."