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Reviews for "Fascist America"

Taking your points, one by one:

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - This is obviously true at present; the attacks of 9/11 have unleashed a torrent of patriotism and bumper-sticker/magnetic-ribbon nationalism. This is not a bad thing, in moderation. In questioning whether it may have turned into something negative, however, note the extent to which right-leaning demonstrators have "hijacked" the flag to mean one position -- pro-war, pro-America pro-Bush. For many Americans, the flag represents that position.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - The Patriot Acts, Gitmo, and Abu Ghraib to start. A common stated position, at present, is that these "extraordinary" times require greater than usual security and therefore extraordinary security measures, such that "minor" infringements on our freedom, like the right to a public trial can be temporarily waived. While the other listed elements are obviously present in recent legislation, does torture, in particular, exist at Gitmo? Depends on who you believe. However, members of the neoconservative right - the public followers, that is - endorse torture. Many have stated exactly that.

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The perceived threat has morphed from specifically Al Qaeda, to terrorism, then to those who support terrorism, then to those in the region in which terrorism is perceived to be exclusively based (that is, the Middle East) and Arabs in particular. Bumper stickers with the word "Islam" spelled with a swastika appeared at a rightist convention in which the Vice President was speaking. Eliminationist rhetoric is widespread, on rightist radio and television. Note, however, that eliminationist rhetoric towards liberals or socialists is, in much of the rightest media, much more prolific than the rhetoric towards terrorists. By the more extreme elements, the two terms are frequently used together.

4. Supremacy of the Military - While the most recent example of glamorization is, obviously, administration efforts to turn the 4th of July into a pro-war, pro-military celebration, it is fair to say, in general, that military power is "glamorized" by the rightists. Fox News, especially during the live, "embedded" wartime coverage, but even in the present coverage, is an excellent example of the glamorization of war, as opposed to the mere reporting of war. Note the hostility with which the administration, and the American media, reacted when the bodies of dead American soldiers were shown on foreign television.
Okay, that's it for now, stupid 4k limit; I couldn't get the full thing under 9k. Notwithstanding, I do appreciate people questioning our government, for only when we are no longer free to question are we truly no longer free.

Well done

I'm positive you're going to get a lot of crap from Americans who think that the U.S is the greatest nation on earth and whoever bashes it is a scumbag who deserves to die. (EG: the previouse post...) But I'm glad you spoke up, because it's about time some people woke up and realized what was going on arround them. To the idiot who posted about middle easterns hating americans, which is why U.S is over there... WHY DO YOU THINK THEY HATE AMERICANS?... hmm.. could it have something to do with the fact that americans stormed into their country, over-threw their government, and are now trying to influence their way of life on them? no that couldn't be it....

ANYWAYS before I begin to rant on the stupidity of particular americans (I'm not saying you're all idiots, infact, I live a number of you, but some of you can be complete wank-offs) I'll just end this by say, VERY WELL DONE
(btw I love your site ^.^)

thank god

Thank God im not the only one who noticed most of this, and thank God I'm Canadian!! if im correct i think we fall into maybe 2-5 of those...welp, cya l8a


Scary how true that all is...

Slightly polemical but....

...nice. That people go so far in criticism of this flash just validates his views - particularly with regards to nationalism.