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Reviews for "Ball Revamped: Metaphysik"


i beat the game with these stats...which suck but w.e.

125 levels
1317 seconds
662 deaths

Grade: 0%

YEY!!!! O well, at least i beat it. I really enjoyed it. Make another and KUTGW!!!

The most addictive game since Defend you Castle!

Man, I just spent a looooong time playing that game, it rocked! I never expected there would be a boss (nor that much levels). Congrats, it was a pretty good game!

Here's my score by the way : 125 leves, 862 seconds, 384 deaths for a grade of 100%


It's amazing how much joy a simple little game featuring a freakin' ball, for Christ's sake, can bring...

How fucking annoying!

I've been playing the fuckin' thing for ages now, getting quite far I thought but fuck me, I've had enough, the constant droning of the music, add to that the level of difficulty and I'm nearly throwing my monitor out the fuckin' window!
Good work!

*sniff sniff*

I got a grade zero... Sniffle... Oh well, to the review!
Graphics weren't exactly the main point of the game, but you could stick silly faces on the ball or add user-changable backgrounds to make it funny. But, you didn't really need good graphics in this anyway. The palm trees were random.
Style, style... I got no idea howto grade style, so I'll give you a ten!
In the few minutes that I sat listening to music, I didn't quite like it. so I turned it off and listened to my own music. Thank goodness for the off switch. However, like graphics, sound wasn't the main point of this, so it won't go down so much.
Does killing a boss count as violence?
Games are interactive. What else would they be?
And the ending random babble about the boss and all that was slightly funny. And the palm trees.
Well, it's a good game. Of course the next ones are even better, but that's because they came later. This was fun when I first played it though. The gameplay is good and well, truth be told, that was the only good thing about it. But the gameplay is all that matters. Keep on making these games!