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Reviews for "VG Stars:Outtakes Ep.1"

It's... so-so.

I liked the graphics, although it is recomended you use a different file type next time to avoid the background blurring.

Yeah, it's alright for a quick chuckle, but so are so many other things on Newgrounds.


It gave me a chuckle, though it was REALLY predictable...

The graphics sucked, but it was cute lol.

Good old Mario. =)

Even if it sucks a bit - I like it.


I'm sorry to hear you are getting such negative feedback without much tips on how to fix this.

I think the movie had potentional if you had a couple of things

-The sprite should stop "walking" when Mario jumps in the air, as well, Mario is jumping. I'm not completely sure, but I think Mario has a jumping sprite. Also, he should stop the walking cycle before he gets the mushroom, as I believe you wanted him to stand still for that part.

-the background is in a jpg format. Try a gif, so the edges aren't compressed, it'll make it look nicer.

-After reading some reviews, I think I know what Yoshi's tounge is now. I mean, I find that funny myself(as I joke) but I think you should've just edited the sprite instead of using Yoshi's tounge, as I was confused when I first watched this.

-I think you could've added a few more "outtakes" as length would've helped this as well.

I don't think this deserved "Turd of the week" as I've seen a lot worse on newgrounds.

I wish you good luck on your next one, I'm sure it'll turn out great if you keep those things in mind, alright ^_^

alpha2 responds:

Thanks for wasting.... i mean spending your time to write a review. The truth is, I could porbably do a lot better, i am just to damn lazy, sure i could have made mario stop walking when he jumped....but i didn't, anyway thanks for writing your review now, cookies and punch are avaiable in the lobby....

You found the cure for insomnia.

Dont let getting turd of the week get you down.

But please dont do anymore sprite animations.

Make something original, with handrawn characters, a story of some sort, jokes maybe if its a comedy.....

Now I am off to buy a seeing-eye dog.