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Reviews for "8-Bitch5: EvilOnTheAttack"

Disaster Labs Products always amazes me to no end.

Hello Misteroo, it's an honour to review a much anticipated movie.

The overview of this movie is what happens when the original 8-Bit Theatre is kept in a locked cage inside the depths of Disaster Labs and experimented on for three months. In other words, an awesome and crazy parody of what would appear to be TLF's next release on the animated series of 8-Bit Theatre.

But enough overview, now onto the in-depth review:

8-Bitch Fyve's graphics are colourful, clean (Graphics-wise) and insanely good. Though most of the characters¡¦ clothing to be rather edgy, it only captures the feel of an even madder parody when even the animated characters are not prepared for their roles. And you even mixed in two sprite formats in so well! It really makes it more the parody! Criticisms? None at all. It's all very beautiful.

When it comes to sound, it's equally insane and fitting. Black Mage's got the horrible MacDonald's Drive-Thru microphone, White Mage has a cute voice, the Red Mages interchange between each other for more insanity... I can go on for a long time huh? The sound effects are well synched and spectacular. It makes the animation alive doesn't it?

Interactivity includes all those secrets including hidden text, links and Easter eggs of various sorts.

Violence is also well portrayed here. Fighter's blood-coughing effects, Tellah's Meteo and all that random violence of all kinds... Beautifully animated.

The humour and style is top notch. I don't see any stolen jokes, no recycled ones either (Running gags don't count). If the parody of 8-Bit Theatre's intro is not enough to make viewers go insane already, then the rest of the movie would overload the rest with insanity. Ah randomness... Disaster Labs' trump card perhaps? Randomness plays the biggest role here; It's not easy to follow the script of the movie yet deviate from it so much that it's more than enough to make others laugh out loud, and it's great when this movie breaks the fourth wall in such fashion.

In summary, this movie is one of the greatest and funniest parodies of Video Games I have ever watched to date. Never have I laughed or gone further towards insanity when watching a parody of Final Fantasy I. With my hopes brought up even further, I can't wait for your next production (Arfenhouse teh movie tree!!!1)!!

This is HaroFreak, finishing this off to watch it again!




this flash is so awesome. it has so many complete random moments! this flash rocks my socks. (the wooly warm socks)


mr ruu i hav always liekd your movies though this one was a little (censored [or how the fuck its spelled]) well i like woogy no offence THIS IS GOOD :D

I have seen madness... and I am afraid

my frail mind cannot begin to comprehend this animation it's just one of those things that's so awesome analyzing it would be an exercise in futility