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Reviews for "Der Zwerg - Christmastime"

That was...bizarre,,,

I don't think I understood it. But I like your style of animation!

Flash-Z responds:

watch it again and you won't understand it after! :)


Well I cant say that I truly liked it, it was just to bland. But it did keep me watching for some reason. Couldnt...look...away. I liked how the dude looked. But I know that without the subtitles I wouldnt be able to figure out what on earth he was saying (no mater what language it was in) Sound wasnt all to great. Yeah, it needed more stuff happening heh, like little kids being put into ovens (go salad fingers)

Anyway, good job though.

Well uh im confused....

When ever he talked it reminded me of the zombies from the Resident Evil games. I was like what.....but i cant complain it was drawn well but ......that last bit with the little kid nailed to the doorframe by his scarf was another um....yeah....

Creepy, yet entertaining.

Decent movie, I just didn't understnad the whole conecept of it, but besides that the movie was good. The graphics were a little dull, but whatever.. The movie is average, and is not worth going out of your way to watch it.

Nice atmosphere

I can't say I understand it, but it is interesting. The dwarf is done so well. Everything is done well actually. It's just weird.