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Reviews for ""To the woman I love""


That was really good. I hope you and the woman you love live together hapilly and have a long and healthy life. God Bless.


that was amazing. it brought tears to my eyes, and was one of the most beutiful things i've ever seen. i hope you and your fiance live happily together for all eternity. so beutiful....


Great Job! Good luck to you gettin maried bro!


that was great
but was this flash suppose to show us your love for a girl
if yes then i wish you tha best of luck
but since im a celeibit i aint suppose 2 say anything about love
o well have a happy new years (i hate x mas)


Tis a flash coming from a man who has true emotion and has a romantic spirit

this flash was made by someone who cant go a day without holding his dear someone who is kept up at night when he misses her, someone who feels a burning passion and desire for his beloved, someone who has true feelings

those words were perfect, straight from the heart, one whom has a real heart, and it doesnt matter what "the raging penis" or "corpsefukker" or whatever their names are think you got your message out and as long as she sees it, noone else, not even I matter.

good luck to you this was beutiful and I hope you take the time to read this review ^^
