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Reviews for "Super Mario: Toads Rage 6"


Wow! that was great! I can't wait to see the next episode!! just so I can say that I'm actually reviewing the movie: I thought the music went very well with the film. I also like the use of color. Stark. It really sets the mood. Great storyline. I wish I could do something like that... But I digress. Great Movie!!!! Whoot!! Can't wait to see the next one!!


mchawking responds:

hahaha i'm suprised about the color thing! I'm actually colorblind.. Like in a few of my older movies there have been black people and I made them green and stuff. Not on purpose of course. Another thing if you work at it you can get good at this.. Want proof, check out my first movie on newgrounds "gunslinging dealer"

Thanks for your review!
Nate Johnson

wow best flash movie i ever seen your the man!!!!

it was really good , cauz the story line is getting somewhere , you add sounds , and its a lot better than before , your movie , was ok now its incredible !!.
wow , now i just dont find the music credit , what were the music , next time write it on the movie plz.
and one more time , i will wait for the next one , i write to fight the nemetoad again , to see who's the strongest !! we shall see who pure evil.

mchawking responds:

Thanks man, don't worry nemetoad will be back and it will be the greatest battle I am capable of making... I will get the music credits in there as well.. There was alot of reading in this movie and I didn't want to drag it out any longer than I had to, plus I don't technically really know what the song is called. I just know it's from that movie.

~Nate Johnson

I love this series

I love this series, i like ur style and im a fan of the toads rage series, keep up the great work man 5/5 10/10

mchawking responds:

I will try my best man, you have my word on that. Thanks for the kind words and the support!

~Nate Johnson

That was pretty good.

I like the animation and stuff. I don't really like the plot. (dragonball z mario thingy lol wtf)

When I see a Mario flash all i want is comedy ^__^ gj though

mchawking responds:

well as far as this series goes plot was an afterthought... that's why we have one now by hmmm episode 6. I will try to keep them funny for you.

~Nate Johnson


Another fine flash, I love the ideas; keep 'em coming.

mchawking responds:

hahaha you the man!