So true
When I played Gunbound for my first time, I beat the retard I was fighting. He saw me having the chick icon and he immedietally called me a n00b. I asked him what a n00b was, my exact words were "What is a 'n00b', I thought it was spelled: Newbie. Proves how much smarter I am than you are. The guy started saying "et leest im teh l33t awsom end ur not!", it was hilarious, I whooped him, because I am a veteran at Worms. I never use the word n00b on someone. I will say, "Are you a newbie? If so, I'll help you out" if I have time, but if I don't I'll say "Dude, you should try to get help from someone, like I did", to encourage them to ask other people, usually ending up with me getting a flame or two by the other people in the room saying stuff like "YOUR LAZY BISH!" and stuff like that. Movie-wise, that was awesome, it was pretty funny, good work, I look forward to more of your work.