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Reviews for "Bush Kerry Debate"


Pure crap

that sucked

that was one of the worst things ive ever seen. i didnt laugh at all. it sucked

I've said it before...

It's really annoying how it has become a fad to dislike both candidates and make fun of them, when in reality, you morons don't know the first thing about them or their plans. Satirists are one thing, but people who take meaningless crap like "oMg hE ScRATcHeS HiS Aszzz!111" and try to sound like they are the least bit insightful or smart, it really pisses me off.

The animation was decent, though it was hard to focus with the rest of the flash being utter crap.

WTF, are you a Taliban?!

This movie suckd, that is all I, or anyone else for that matter say about it... You had so much potential, but, it was lost in the first 2 seconds when they started talking...
May Alah have mercy on your soul when americain tanks come for you.

that sucked

kerry sucks balls hes a liberal bastard that don't know what side of god damn debate he's on
Bush&Cheney 2004 All the way!!!!