Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Reviews for "Chuckles"


man that was great. The clown was just walking towards him and all of a sudden he pulls an axe out of air. But other then that it was corney. or were you going for that. It was like an ugly version of it and chucky. But that axe piece......pure comedy

Not bad, but

Nothing too new or interesting. Basically a rip off of Chucky. And not a horridly well done one at that. No real suspense, no -real- horror.. And too shart.

Okay but seasonally appropriate

I've seen submissions on newgrounds with the same theme. It is kind of disturbing but not disturbingly original. Kind of short with ho-hum graphics. Just okay.

too short

Not bad the animation was good, but it was just to short. I think the clown though evil could've done more to the kid than just kill him with an ax.

nah...i dont know

the story before playing is cool + the music creates the kind of background...but the graphics SSUUUKKKK plus 2 short and besides the drawing made you yawn SOOO im fukin calling this a 0


P.S. what child drops a bat while hitting a murdering clown??? HUH???