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Reviews for "George Bush's "Truth""

Well, hear this.

Because Bush went to war, those images were the result. If Bush didn't go to war, those images would still be the result, courtesy of Saddam Hussein.

Do you really think that if Saddam Hussein was still in power, the world would be better off?


I hate bush period..
bush thinks everything revolves around war
don't say shit to chu
he says what he want to say, eithers its entertaining or not
and if you got a problem with that,
i suggest you take that shit somewhere else

you get a zero

that was a piece! it should be burnt in hell along with you and Kerry. and btw your a PHONEY A BIG FAT PHONEY

All aboard the bandwagon

You are such a dumb ass. You obviously no nothing but what your told by CNN and Michael Moore. Would you rather have it that Saddem hussein be in power then America even being over there. No one is going to get drafted either .Thats a big lie that NOFX and other liberal assholes are trying to tell you to make you hate bush. Now lets go to this actually piece of propaganda your shoving down the throats of everyone at newgrounds. First of all its all crappy. But the way you used pictures of casualties of war (only children) was a low . And I have no respect of you for that. If you would have stated your opinions and showed pictures in a way respectful to those unfortunate casualties I would have just wrote "crappy movie nuff said". But you decided to disgrace the people that you " CARE " about. when actually you dont care about those children they are just pawns for to try to make a point with.

In short you can take this shitty piece of propaganda, sappy music and all, and shove it up your ignorant ass

You don't understand a damn thing, do you?

ok, to begin, I am an epicopalian priest that has gotten tired of listening to people like you, constantly talking trash about President Bush. you are lucky that this being a free nation, you cannot be tried for treason, in Iraq during Saddam's rule, your home would be broken in upon by saddam's soldiers & your entire family would've been shot to death under the charge of treason. next, the immages of the injured children are totally inappropiate, we are in the middle of a war between two strong partisans; the partison for freedom, (this being Ammerica & President Bush) & the partison of terror in Iraq. (being Saddam hussien Al-majid & his regime.) I have seen these immages before, they were injured when Saddam's insurgent soldiers detonated a bomb on a school bus on it's way to primary school. they were hurt by their own goverment, not by us. [note: these children were the only survivors ammong the 67 children riding the bus.] If President Bush has kept things from us, it's with good reason. every presidential administration has the right to secrecy, it is in order to allow plans to move smoothly without the troubble of pikit marches & to keep the most elequent speaches that could be spoken by people who have the Intelligence Quotent [or IQ] of an embryo. & when Bush says that Iraq is moving tward democrasy, the key word is "moving" as in "not yet" it is very difficult to set up a demacratic government when you have terrorist insurgents blowing up people at random & when you have just under half the population of your own country saying stupid things like: "bush's IQ is 3" [this is un-true, Bush went to serve in the Texas Air National Guard & went to business school, he excelled at the top of his classes in both.] & making anti-war rallys & calling the president things like "thief" & "lier" & "evil" .... need I go on? but Bush has done just that. to close I would like to ask the author to really think & know what the hell you are talking about before you make an inflamitory flash like this. this deserves a zero & nothing more than a zero, & that's what you got from me.
God Bless Ammerice & it's great President!
[note, for those of you that call Bush's National guard service into question, this is a link that will answer all your questions:
h t t p : / / w w w . l i b e r t y p o s t . o r g / c g i - b i n / r e a d a r t . c g i ? A r t N u m = 6 7 8 6 7 [remove spaces]
& to those crazy liberals that think that John Kerry is a hero, this is annother link that will show you that your "hero" is a trator:
h t t p : / / w w w . s w i f t v e t s . c o m /
[remove spaces]
[note to Newgrounds Staff, these links are to related sites & are here to help those ammong the members that are blindly ignorant too the real facts. Please do not delete my account.
[NOTE: Any attempt to promote an outside, "unrelated" website in this space will result in deletion of your user account.] these sites are related to this topic, see for yourself.]