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Reviews for "George Bush's "Truth""

Only A Matter Of Time...

...before MoveOn.org branched out from chardonnay and brie fund-raisers at Michael Moore premieres. Political scrubs have their place, but this smaltzy adagio bathing over images of helpless people with title cards that have no actual bearing on the highly emotive images is not "higher brain function" politics. It is cheap soul-less exploitation.

Is there any tragedy that MoveOn.org won't leverage for a anti-Bush buck?

tfchuck responds:

You're funny- "chardonnay and brie fund-raisers" are where George Bush's base constituency lies...

To me, "soul-less exploitation" is a president who sends men and women to their deaths with so little thought or consideration-

Yah, war is hell.

War is a terrible thing, but it is, unfortunately, sometimes necessary. And if any one says otherwise they are just ignorant. And you better believe, most of the people in the Middle East would love to see American kids in bandages. Further more you shouldn't exploit this website by typing up 30 seconds of Liberal propaganda and then using it to lure people into a political debate. This site is about entertainment, not politics.

tfchuck responds:

I wasn't going to submit it because it's not really very sohisticated (it took about 45 minutes to make from start to finish) or entertaining (the 3 simple pics only effects are fade in and fade out) and the text is laid out in a very basic way. Whatever can be said about the quality or content of this movie the reason I submitted it to NG was to make people think. If I can get a few people to "censure the president" and make him (like we all are) accountable for his actions by clicking on the link to moveon.org then I feel it was well worth it.

your so far off the point

I find it funny that no one is going to vote on this movie on how well it was made(which is firggin shity btw) there going to vote if they like Bush or not people vote on how crapy this movie is not if your a GWB or not. Besides if U belive this crap that this is all bushs fault then go ahead vote for kerry or nader but Blam this movie

Wow...that sucked...

How do I know these pics of children were from the school slaughter which killed 300 people? Iraq, though before the war, might have not been a terrorist haven, I didn't see him respect the dead of 9-11 or. What I saw was a man who had chemical weapons, used them on his own people, and yet we must believe he wasn't a threat?

....Think about it. Just because we haven't found any (WMDs) doesn't mean there aren't any (WMDs) or he didn't already send them off to Syria or somewhere else.

oh please

*cough*ignorant propaganda*cough*...you sir are no better than Bush. using images of badly injured (presumably Iraqi) children to correlate to the topic of the forming of a democracy? that's sick and low. it doesn't have anything to do with the price of milk buddy. if you're going to argue that particular point, and how it's teetering on the edge of a civil war, how about using your "higher brain function" as you so arrogantly put it, and show images of the fighting in the streets; the gunfire between the soldiers and Iraqi extremists? of course Bush is one of the biggest blunders in American history, of course we shouldn't be in Iraq, and of course the casualties (on all sides by the way, incase you forgot that innocents from Iraq, America, Britain and many others are paying for this huge screw up) are horrible. but this is useless, uninformed crap. you have no idea how much you pissed me off. you have the same pompous "ends justify the means" as the Bush administration and I hope someday you realize how stupid you've been here.