purty good
purty good
another good one.
once again, your movie looks exactly like a real DragonBall Z cartoon. hmm, lets see here... traits of a super saiyan:::
1: lots of trembling throughout the body.
2: the hair explodes into a bright blonde colour, and is spiked up (always).
3: A large smirk appears accross face, or the character seems to be very happy.
haha, i always just laugh at how stupid the cartoon is in reality. but still, you've made an almost exact replica. the graphics are outsanding, the animaton is superb, and the music isnt too bad, either. great stuff.
overall score: 8/10
ah dbz...
you keep making them ill keep watching them.
i liked when he turned super saiyan. it was like watching the show. :)
Thank you for taking the time to review all my episodes so far.
I hope you'll come back to enjoy episode 5 ^_^
Constructive Critisism
Look, you obviously have a good amount of talent. You are WASTING your talent, period. Scrape this series and make a new one set in the DBZ universe with new characters. You're not getting anywhere with a bizzare alternative timeline, no voice acting, extremely unoriginal bad guys (buu with hair) and change of names. Oh that whole capital each word thing is pretty damn annoying too. Seriously, you won't get a good rating here and you're not doing yourself any good by the current path you have taken.
Man that was hilarious!
Your work is awesome man. The whole time I couldnt take my eyes off it or stop laughing. How do you cram that much humor into one poorly-drawn DBZ based flash? wow...