Well well well.
This was surprisingly awesome! Had a good Arfenhouse feel to it. I thought the poop thing was a bit crude though, but believe me when I say it when uphill from there. All those other dolts wouldn't know a good SLAPSTICK comedy (Slapstick: 40% Random, 60% Kickass)when they see one. Although I did find a complete and utter lack of noodles, strangely enough.
Oh yeah. I love how you respond to all of the negative reviews. It pretty much narrows down to the two types of bad reviewers: 1.) The kind who obviously flunked at grade 6, or 2.) The oh-so "professional" graders that try as hard as they can to sound intellegent, but then end up blowing it out their ass by putting in some lame comment around the end (Excuse while I vomite?
The hell??)
You do seem to have a good attitude for all this NG stuff, and you put an old sock in the mouths of those who, for some reason, expect Shakespeare when they see something catigorized as a SPOOF. You have a bright future ahead of you here.
PS: This is your first submission, and it is very good anyways, but for a first it is... um... great. Just work on the art a LITTLE bit, because at some points it does look a little half-assed, but not alot.
Emblem out.