The terror of nuclear of war.
The entrance onto the battlefield marks the beginning of a great sin. The minute you arm yourself and enter the war-field, you are a murderer. He may have a family or an innocent life elsewhere. That does not change the fact.
The entire work is a saga.
Weaved into this very explosion is the story of a life.
Everything in this work is well placed. The blue background presents a aura that is not sorrowful, but melancholy. The entirety of horror and the beauty of steel machines is depicted in those thousand pixels.
It is a monumentous memorial.
An elegant success.
The use of the blue is great. The fact that he is wearing a mask hides his emotions. What is he? Is he mournful, hating the very country he fights for? Is he zealous, blind to the ambitions of a overlord? We will never know. I that we shall remember is those blank blue frames covering his eyes.
The man in that suit could me anyone.
You, me, them, anyone.
The minute we enter war, we lose all innocence and righteousness.
That alone, is the greatest part of the work.
"Forgive me father,
I have tainted our blood,
And forsaken my children.
The world will scream,
For my failure is the greatest."