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Reviews for "FFVI:The Day After Part14"


Graphics: I like teh FF6 spells and all but they are getting a ted bit annoying since you use them in everything especely that star background. Try to find someone to do actual graphic effects for future submissions. These 'combat' scenes involve no choreography and innovation I don't find Final Fantasy characters using ripped spells on a screenshot background praticulary intresting. People like Mortis know sprite movies need to be more than that. Try actually moving the background/zomming in panning the camara.

Style: I don't uselly like FF6 reasons becaus...........bah you've probably heard me say this a million times =P. The whole Kefka coming back is just so overdone. So for your CT series don't make it "The Evil Magus has taken the pendent so he can summon Lavos to take over the world" You should try to do something on "The Fall Of Guardia" and what happend to the characters after that. since it's never explained why it happend in CT or CC (Besides what happend to Lucca) But I found this movie semi intresting.

Sound: I'll be blunt....you need better music listing to FF music in an FF movies makes it seem like a boring cutscene. That's why I liked the first Vince Trigger, because it wasn't all CT music.

Violence: Nothing was violent about this.

Interactivity: Nothing was interactive about this besides a play button and a scene select. Which shouldn't count because every decent movice needs them.

Humor: Nothing was funny

Overall: 7
Note: I did not write this review to be an ass. I wrote it to help you. Notice I put "what you should do" next to all the negetive points. Anyway I know a handfull of people are going to mark this as abusive because I say negetive things towards the movie. go ahead and take this review however you want to. I hope T-Dash can do what you say he can in part 15.
Ps. Try not to overdo me like...you know. "In your movie you did this" "I got an award for that". I don't really see awards prove anything anymore. When I got that award I realized I had sold my soul to NG giving what they wanted; Tweened Video Game Sprites from a popular RPG, instead of make what I wanted to do. That's why I don't submit anymore sprite stuff. Im trying to actually brandish my sprite work till it looks perfect because I don't want it to be another copywrited abomination like my last one.

PPS: Put me in Vince Trigger 3, I like being insulted....seriously......:)

Vinstigator responds:

First off I'm actually glad you admitted that you enjoyed Vince Trigger, considering it bashed two of your friends. Hell they probably laughed their asses off too, but their "reviews" showed otherwise lol.

And of course awards aren't everything! It's got to be a combination. Review score, awards, front page....all of them combined show if you're a good artist or not. And hell, I've almost got 300 people who have bookmarked me as a favorite artist so obviously I'm doing something right.

And what's this about a copyrighted abomination? Haven't you ever heard of the "Fair Use" law?

"Fair use or fair practice is utilization of a portion of a copyrighted work "as is" for purposes of parody, news reporting, research and education about such copyrighted work without the permission of the author."

Plus if I actually wanted to make money out of this flash thing, I'd sell merchandise not based on my series since I know it's copyrighted by square-enix.

And you say that anyone who tweens popular VG characters have sold their soul? Blordow, Vazz, and A17Roolz are damn good spriters and just because they tween, it's wrong? Hell everyone tweens nowadays. I mean, didn't Adam Phillips tween as well? Now he has a scripted camera that does the tweening for him!

But anyway, I just wanted to get those issues out of the way. No one will mark this abusive because you didn't insult the AUTHOR. Thanks for the review though...I haven't gotten a decent review from you in a while :)

P.S. You were gonna be in Vince Trigger 2, but I stopped HC from putting you in since you didn't piss me off at the time, so we just stuck with Shin and Moogle. I only diss the people who really piss me off. Also, Vince Trigger 3 won't be out for a long long time and I got other people I want to diss :)

Nah, not your best

That would be the thing about the series, it dosent really get better as it continues. Really could do with a lot more original content, other than that it built up nicely, however you are doing more battle and less talk, you should focus on what you are good at. The scene was like: "Celes you are all I have, marry me! Yes. Oh great!" for something like that it should have been longer, as I felt like it was just text, with no real emotion.
And what really happened in the plot? Not a whole lot here, this content of this episode could have been added to the beginning of the next one easily.

I suggest with your battles you either:
1) Remove most/all the talking, I dont like it when fights are constantly paused by some dialogue, if your opponent stopped to talk you would be like: ARRGH! DIE FOOL! Not just waiting for them to finish.
2) Make them longer. As with the previous point, dialogue is a space filler, but wont make the fight a whole lot better. Meaning that in this series they only get in a few attacks with each battle, not amazingly entertaining with this kind of thing.

So overall I give a 6.5/10 for this. I found it a bit of a pointless episode, I was expecting much more drama for the penultimate installment.

Oh and in regards to the ongoing argument with Shin/Crow/moogle, just ignore them. The whole thing got old a while ago, be the mature one and just take no notice of the (now repetitive) comments. And if they say you are backing down then let them think that, in the end it is just argument for the sake of it. So be the intelligent one and heed my advice.

Thank you for your time.
-The Doc

Vinstigator responds:

Well I was gonna put more drama but some people wanted more action so I had to deliver!

And about the crow/shin/moogle situation...you're right. In this topic


BOTH Shin and GoldCrow (well he's now known as ShadowedCrow for some reason) are talking smack about my movie! But you know what? I gotta take your advice. Thanks for the review, Lenin! Or should I say, Doc :)

Good Job,

You've got daily feature pick! congratulations!! it was tough day yesterday! i was about to win you! Im the SUPER METROID dude lol, congratulations.
About your movie, you should put some more extra stuff, not only base yourself totally on the game, good luck on your next movie!!!

Vinstigator responds:

Thank you! But actually, you have a shot at daily feature TODAY since you submitted after 9 PM EST! So you'll definately recieve an award today! Thanks for the review! Your movie's pretty cool as well :D

Dude! Its been a year!

When are you going to make the next episode? Ive been, and im sure alot of other people have been waiting for like a year! The suspense is killing us!!

Vinstigator responds:

Yeah yeah, sorry for the delay. It's just that I've been too busy lately but I promise I WILL release it. And why did you give me a 5? That makes me shed a tear :'(

Just kidding, thanks for the review :)


At least the spelling and grammar were good... which is more than you can say about lots of stuff on this site.

Vinstigator responds:
