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Reviews for "Jesus vs Muhammad Trailer"

*giggle, snort*

I read thruogh your long-ass disclaimer, prepared to get good and pissed off...
and ended up just pissing myself laughing!

I am a deeply religious Christian, and I saw NOTHING offensive!

You're right, the Jesus you depict is nothing more than an Icon, it is NOT the real Jesus. THAT Jesus is as real as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Jesus was not white, he was an olive-skinned Jew. You show me ONE white person from the original bloodlines of Jerusalem, just ONE, and I'll believe Jesus was a good ol' white boy.

I thought it was funny, and YES Jesus does have a sense of humor...
He created the duckbill platypus for God's sake!
And marijuana...Don't forget marijuana...Like he didn't know what we humans would do with it...COME ON.

I loved it, and I can't wait to see the finished product!

God Bless!

The ORIGINAL (and Saved [by the Bell, TACO Bell]) Flash Illiterate Critic,

How could anyone take offense at this??

In my opinion, this doesn't go anywhere near offensive enough. Only those who like to get worked up about politically-incorrect ivestigations into religion could possibly find this anything but mildly amusing.

Me and Sweet T love your stuff man. From Jamie

Hey Dave I just showed T your animations and he liked them. Hope you do more soon.



Good concept combined with great animation, great sound and music, and Harry Carey equals sacreligious filth at it's finest. I especially enjoyed the sketchy style of Jesus and Muhamed. It's like Celebrity Deathmatch (is that show even ON anymore?) gone religion, and it's great. I just hope this isn't one of those things where you just make the trailer as a stand-alone joke and don't bother with the actual movie, because I'd REEEEEALY like to see that movie. Controversy=good, that's my motto.


messed up in a real funny way..your going to hell :)