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Reviews for "Jesus vs Muhammad Trailer"

Get over it...

First off, as one of the creators of this movie let me explain one thing:

In no way did we ever intentionally intend to offend anyone. We definitely expected some people out there to take this idea the wrong way. After all, religion is always a touchy subject to deal with.

But death threats? Come on! Don't you have anything better that you can offer your religion?? If your so devoutly behind it, why don't you go out and try to share with others why you love and believe in it so much? If it's soooo great a religion, that you would threaten death to someone over a cartoon depicting one of it's figures, then why don't you enlighten others to the ways it's affected your life and the positive things it has brought you?

That's the problem with religion today, everybody out there seems to use it to justify hate, or just to push forward their own agenda. Both of these religions preach peace and understanding on many different levels. Both of these figures should be remembered and worshiped for the positive ideas they taught, after all these ideas are the real reasons they are remembered today.

In my opinion, one of the biggest travesties and hypocrisies of our time, is justifying any violence or killing with religion.

In closing, if you don't like the idea for this clip, don't watch it.

Great Job

Finally a flash that includes a non-negative view of Muslims, thanks, now, many Muslims wont be impressed by how you made Mohammed, i sent you an email explaining how to make him more accurate, if you want better votes from us Muslims, then you gotta make Mohammed (sws) look much better.


a good preview

I can see...

...why you have been getting death threats. But this is a trailer wasn't that funny. Personally as a muslim i would prefer Muhammad's (PBUH) face to be covered and he is suppose to a lighter skin colour i think and I would like to see a draw, Jesus is considered a prophet by the Muslims.

this will be hilarious

reading all the reviews you get! Boy, burning in one hell not good enough for you, eh? Just kidding, if God/Allah didn't have a sense of humor, why would we have the platypus? Or the word 'platypus'?

seriously, this looks good, sounds good, so far is good. Well, look up the word sacreligious one of these days and you may be suprised...but I'm not gonna go psyco on ya. I know someone will. Catholic signing off.