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Reviews for "Error"

nice job

I love the idea. I think it look`s epic.

sirhenrystudios responds:

thank you!

No one move! I dropped my brain.

At least, I think that's what this is supposed to be. Some robot dude looking at himself as he feels around his hollow head? Kinda creepy...

The titular 'error' I suppose being that its brain is missing? I'm not at all sure what to think of this. But your textures, colors, shading, etc. are all well done.

Good work, keep it up!

M3 of the Review Request Club


"Hold on, let me get my body before we start robot rampaging!"

This actually looks pretty cool and very well detailed. The robot is looking around to figure out how to get back into its own body strangely. The robot body is doing its own thing and causing sparks to start flying around as well.

The details and shading just looks very nicely done and it seems you tried to get all the minor details in as well to keep it from looking weird. Looks pretty wicked.

Overall, very nicely done robot piece.

Review Request Club

Concept art?

Not bad, not bad at all, though I believe it could do with some refining.

I love your lighting, it looks really good with the sparks and the blue light in the back of the robot's head, as well as the shadowing. It's easy to see where the light source is.

The concept is pretty cool as well, but the whole thing looks like concept art rather than a finished piece. It's not very clear, the lines aren't very smooth, and the coloring isn't the best.

It's also very difficult to see exactly what's inside of it's head, which you could do something with, I'd like that. Some detail to the piece would be nice, as there seems to be some lack of it right now.

Review Request Club

It Is A Start...

One of the biggest things I have a issue with this is the lack of clarity. Everything seems kind of blurry and having any sort of real solid definition. The joints, the contour, parts of the background, they all seem to lack anything that really reinforces the figure or piece in general.
I think you should go back and give this more contour. It would also be a good chance to give this a stronger metallic feel. The arm could use more of a metal feel by adding a array of lights and a darks along the length of the arms and head to re enforce the material.
Take a moment and look at these pictures of metals and how they reflect and surroundings;
Now your robot doesn't have to have mirror quality reflections, but more of the basic lights and shadows worked and formed steel tends to put off.

One thing I do enjoy about more the majority of the piece is the lighting. if it wasn't a robot made of metal, but a normal human then the light play would be pretty good. you have done a pretty good shadow cast except for a few areas.
One of those areas is the reflection in the mirror. the hand above the eye cast a shadow straight down. the lighting on the rest of the robot suggest that the light source is not exactly above, but a little more to the right and a little closer to the mirror. Although this isn't a perfect shadow, it does serve a purpose for the piece which I guess is a good enough excuse.
I Kind of enjoy the blue lighting on the back of the head but it lacks a source. I'm assuming that you want the source to be in the head, but at the moment the only thing that would make sense is that their was an independent light off the scene projecting on to the robot, but that doesn't work either because then the light would be projected on more than what it is. I thin you should get something in the scene, particularly in the head to have a source for this blue light. Also on the robots left hand the blue light has a strong hit on the top of two of it's fingers. the only way for their to be a light that strong on that side would be if you had a light at a completely different angle, so you may want to correct that.

One of the last things I want to point out is the yellow sparks. They seem so out of place and have no real reason to be there. I think if you want them coming from wires, which I think you do since I can see some wires starting to lead there, then you should get some fraying to those ends. This will give you some opportunity to have some more fun with some unique lighting.

At the moment, I think you have a start, but it is kind of shaky. You need to go back and make some corrections so people have a much better idea of what this bot is made of, as well as its form. The more defined and cleaned up you make this the better it'll look.
Good luck, if you choose to make any changes, take them one at a time and it will lesson the work load.
I will look forward to seeing some improvement in your future pieces.