I wasn't going to give it that high of a rating, but the moral of the story made it quite amusing, so good job!
I wasn't going to give it that high of a rating, but the moral of the story made it quite amusing, so good job!
No Good
Yeah, I didn't think this was funny. And learn English, man. "You are a totally dipshit." Did you realize that that doesn't mean anything?
What the fuck are you talking about? learn english? Its called a typo you fucking retard... not everyone is a perfectionist nerd like you, mother fucker...
Well that was a few mins of my life.....
That was umh intresting....... or maybe not ? You jumped to much.... like first they are there and then there and then suddently some question comes up out of nowhere to just make the flash longer. I cant say I liked it but hey thats just me
Who cares? It's not supposed to make any sense... you are just a homo...
what.... the f#$^&?
you lost me on this one. sorry.
why are you appolowell you should pay more attention instead of looking and digimon hentia... at least you appologized for your ignorance...
It's alright
It's kind of okay. Everyone is doing Mario Parodies. Be more original.
Hey... how about you lick my balls... oh i'm sorry... i'll be more original... how about you lick my balls while standing on yoru head... is that original enough?