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Reviews for "Zombi Massacre"

good idea gone wrong

you did a parody of my favorite movie series Evil Dead but the jokes bout it werent great cept the one bout the book and u gave no credit to the original movie most ppl wont even get it specially younger ppl cause that movie is gory as hell

wallpaperman responds:

i am 13, the youngest age of some one on newgrounds and let me tell you, evil dead is not gory in the slightest, you should see some of the stuff i watch ;)

well anyway the book bit was the only parody of ED, the rest was about zombi films in general. Hope this has cleared some of your mislead thoughts, but thanks for the review anyway

it is okay

i thought the gore was good

wallpaperman responds:

same ere

Really funny

Kind of like an old karate movie where the lips are moving but no one is talking. I bet it is really hard to get that perfect. It still made me laugh. I loved the part with the book where was reading the words and you ran out of latin so started using some of the italian you know. I think you got something. Do what you want. Donet let these people bash you. Critics crtisize because they can't/won't make one themselves.

wallpaperman responds:

dude... a 29 year old likes my stuff, cool!! hehe it was not latin or italian just shit!!

zombies arent sopost to talk

its good try a little harder next time:D

wallpaperman responds:

jeez, cant a guy be original around here?


that was sooooooo stupid.i was probably ment to be but c'mon.what can i say?gay gay gay gay gay gay gay...................try,try again!

wallpaperman responds:

if it was gay the zombie would start assfucking him, you are gay