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Reviews for "Zomborg Apocalypse - 003"

Zomborg! Nanananananananananana

Hell Yes! More. More. More.
I think you're carving up a nice score of fans, it keeps getting better. The music stopped halfway through though, but I paused the play for a while so that might have something to do with it. Keep it up. The gallery was a real nice touch too. Zomborg Zomborg... I love zombies.

SPLANKGY responds:

Cool thanks! the main song only loops about 4 times...which gets through easily as long as you don't pause the playback :)
i too love zombies!


this is a gud zom...borg? movie. a lil bit slow paced in parts maybe. The axe he carries is pregnant with malice and it thirsts for zomborg blood. i wanted it to kick in with a skull splitting action sequence, where the haunting monotony of the piano theme could be replaced by the sheer brutality of some "cannibal corpse" to adeuately support action of the following nature... HACK, HACK... motherfucker killed my wife... HACK, SLASH, DIE... DIE... DIE... that wud've been cool... but maybe ur saving it for another episode?

SPLANKGY responds:

you betcha! (sorry but the cannibal corpse won't be in the next ep though. gotta keep consistency y'know?)
as for the action...ep 3 sets up the action in ep 4. which will be the most action packed episode yet!

Not too bad.

Pretty cool. Keep it up, guy. Some of the dialogue was a bit melodramatic, but I really can't blame you.

SPLANKGY responds:

yeah ya can. . . i wrote it!
i'm the ultimate BUZZ!!!!!!!
eternal lasers for all!


try to make it longer... nice drawning and music.. in teresting story

SPLANKGY responds:

sweet. thanks!
i grant you safe passage to the etherial plane of the awesome magnet burninator!

seizure much?

dude ur gonna kill someone with those flashing lights...