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Reviews for "*- Pokémon DancemiX -*"

Incredible how...

...people are so stupid. Read the damn commentary first. Also, even if it wasn't related (WHICH IT IS LAWL), no reason to vote low. :O


Anyways, this is an epic song, great remake. I could, as well, hear the "mon mon mon" going through my head. xD

10'd and 5'd and D/L'd

Jebbal responds:

People ARE stupid! I realized that too! Me and you are going far in life.


Thanks for the review!

I don't get it.

Not to be rude or anything, but how does this relate to Pokemon.

Jebbal responds:

How rude.

Maybe you should read the author's commentary up there!

Thanks for the review!


Omg..... tbh, this was my favourite Pokémon song x'D Amazing ;)

Jebbal responds:

The original theme song is pretty good too! YES??!?!?!

Thanks for the review!

i love it!

You just made the song even better then it was befor ! So energetic and alive ! around 0:25 I already started singing "pokemon- mon- mon!" Keep up the good work (i have no idea if i am spealing this correctly >.<)

Jebbal responds:

I tried to get the pokemon mon mon in there. I couldn't do it :(

Thanks for the review!


This isn't Pokemon... Make a Edit and link people to where you found the original song.

Besides that. Its well done.

Jebbal responds:

It IS Pokemon. It really is. I can't make an edit because the song has too many listens...

But here ya go

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6ng34 t0I3o
(Don't forget to remove the space!)

Thanks for the review!