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Reviews for "ParagonX9 - Chaoz Impact"

Time to be humbling...

now jermaine - as a long time fan don't expect me to bow down or kiss your feet or anything - we have witnissed you before you acquired all your fame and we will thus still treat you like any other user here on newgrounds. Now I'm not going to sugarcoat this - I'm gonna be the same old HONEST prick I've always been and speak my mind - and that of the majority of others..

It almost seems like you are behind a glass wall - that you walk around blissfully unaware of the giant impact your music has made on this site - on other sites - and overall everywhere. Granted if your music had not been placed on the front page you most likely would have fallen into obscurity or maybe just been treated like any other user on this site. There are users on here that try so very very hard to be noticed - they try to get to the top but YOUR FANS downrate them to shit because they just want to see a man that basically abandoned the site - to live up there forever.

To be perfectly honest I can think of many people that deserve to be on the front page more than you - but that is another story and in no way a jab at you on a personal level.

Your english is fine - you dont need to use that as an excuse - as for not getting platinums anymore - most certainly you wont get platinums that you've EARNED - you will simply get them because everyone knows who you are and will thus keep downloading your song until it gets there - I guess thats the price of blind fame.

Blind - on their part - they no longer see you as a human being jermaine - they idolize you- you are like a god to them and anything that comes out of you - even shit - will be treated as gold. Honestly I myself dunno how you cope with it - but seeing as you are hardly ever on this site and obviously dont know how others view you - I suppose it really isnt that hard after all.

(you are no longer like everyone else jermaine - you will never have to work for your music to be appreciated - you are like the successful millionaire who has the mitus touch while your old friends and fellow musicians helplessly watch)

As for responding to reviews - dont use that as an excuse! Good lord Chronamut has over 2000 reviews and he has responded to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! It doesnt take too much of your time to maybe respond to one or two songs a day - I mean you've had a year off - you could have at least TRIED a little harder instead of just writing generic "thank you to everyone that has reviewed my stuff!" It makes people feel like shit - and generally when people feel like shit they stop reviewing.

now jermaine - this is all by no means a jab at you as a person or at your music making abilities - while a tad on the commercial side - your music is still very good - however - you still arent above the rest of that - and dont you EVER forget that!

as for this song - drums could have been better - and it seemed to lack a lot of what made a lot of your songs great - I realize you have been out of the loop for a long time so hopefully you can get back in it.

P.S. - perhaps you - as the MIGHTY paragon that you are - should step down from your pedestal once in a while - give back to the community - and review a few others hrm? Nobody likes a king that just site in his throne all day nyuk nyuk nyuk..

take care

very nice

normally I don't like drum n base

but you make me change my attitude =D

great job go on;)