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Reviews for "XIN Session 06"


great job,reading suites this one instead of voices

So good, you broke my hiatus.

Been a while since I wrote a review...but when something like this comes your way, one has to take action, I suppose.

This series certainly has an animeish feel to it,the school in anarchy, and student hierarchy based on ones fighting skills, as seen in Yu Yu Hakusho, and the fights, not on the level of DBZ (POWAH LEVEL ONE BAJILLION ZILLION TRILLLION BLAST OF ENERGY DESTROYING EARTH RRAAARRGGHH!!, even if that one guy somehow could make fire appear in his fists, they instead keep a level of credibility, with kicks, punches, guards, and not a whole loot of jumps that are like flying, and attacks that bashes people trough walls( With some exceptions), and a dialogue, that, at least for me, odesn´t feel forced or ridiculous...you´ve even managed to spell pretty good. It feels solid, and gives a serious impression, with a plot that doesn´t revolve around super-powers. Rmember, super-powers bad, ordinary guys who are really good at fighting good. The humour that is sprinkled in here and there is also good, but don´t overdo it. The level you have now is perfectly fine.

The lack of voices does feel a little odd, but at the same time, it does give you the advantage of creating their voices in your own head, using your own imagination, simply. I can really visualise legends voice just by his face and his level of language..a really cold, kind smooth voice, the kind that tells yo to go hell, but politely. Another advantage is sparing us from bad actors. I would hate it to see such a fine series be ruined by dull, stale voices. If you ever manage to get VA:s, please be very selective. This show deserve it.

in closing, I can really recommend this one. It has a story that actually s good, and not rushed, or ridiculous, or exaggarated, but levelheaded, believable, and follows it´s own pace. I simply can´t wait to see our friend Xins next session...and I do not believe that you will dissapoint me. Good work, gentlemen.

Does it get any better?

It'll be a sad sad day when the XIN Series stop.

Good job real great series

and osamahunter you suck bite me and no one likes you.

Another job well done

Hmm... now that I look back on this episode, I found it odd and unusually cruel how Xin beheaded that guy. Normally, he isn't that cruel in the later fights, but, I guess it might have been something that developed overtime.

There's some character dev in this, as it shows that the main character isn't as invincible as everyone takes him to be, which makes the series overall more interesting. Sound was good for the fight scene, I found it cool how Ghai and Andre predicted Xin would loose at the same time, in typical anime style. Although, the voices for the females was a bit awkward and slow.

Lastly, Xin's "bone shredding" signature technique is awesome. Saves his butt many times :).