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Reviews for "Speedy Bass (Dubstep)"

Awesome stuff.

This sounds like it formed the basis for Too Filthy For You (which is fucking amazing btw), but it sounds great on it's own.

Jimbobsthebest responds:

Thanks for the review mate. This was pretty much experimenting with my own wobble bass. But I didn't really want to take this any further, as it's a little too repetitive.

Nevertheless, I'm glad you liked it ;)

epetitive and static but cool sounds later on.

A kinda spooky vibe.

The tempo of the start seems at odds with what follows.

I liked the occasional notes you drop in every bar or two around the 1 min. mark. In fact, I liked a lot of the sounds that followed.

It does generally feel repetitive and slow to move. The vibe and the sounds you have are cool though. Specially for the 4th minute.

I think if you'd skipped the first minute or two or sped up the progression a bit, it would have been a stronger tune.

_Review Request Club_

Jimbobsthebest responds:

Ok man, thanks for the suggestions. Much appreciated.



I haven't really got too much to say about this unfortunately. I enjoyed it, but I felt as if it did tend to get repetitive by song's end. I admire your bass skills. Now all you have to focus on is implementing those skills into even more music! Keep this up, and you'll have a really large fanbase :)

|RRC| Review Request Club

Jimbobsthebest responds:

Thanks for the review PicosGhost. I think the general consensus is that the bass sounds pretty heavy, but I need to make a song with it instead of out of it.

Thanks again, and I will be keeping this up. I just needed plenty of advice first ;)

Needs more

So you've given us a good sample of your abilities with manipulating bass. What i think that you'd be better doing is adding the element of Rhythm, to compliment the bass lines. Without the Rhythm, it does sound all the same after a while and I tended to hear the tune as noise by the end of it and I was starting to ignore it, sadly.

This wouldn't be allowed to happen if you gave some more variation, keeping the listener's attention firmly on the tune.

It's good bass, but there really is so much more you could do with it.

[Review Request Club]

Jimbobsthebest responds:

Thanks for the review. Yeah the percussion does need improvement. I'm going to work on that as well as varying the bass to keep it interesting.

Thanks again for the review, James


I did like this, the start was a bit strange with the vocal sample. And then the drum and bass kicks into this strange, demented fell that carries the whole way throughout the song, I liked it, felt a bit samey and over 5 minutes worth, but good none the less.

=Review Request Club=

Jimbobsthebest responds:

Thanks for the review Shanus. It is a bit strange I suppose, but I guess that is just the way I compose. Yeah I've picked up on the repetitiveness being an issue and will sort that out when I have the time.

Thanks for the review, it is hugely appreciated.
