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Reviews for "Castle of Tears"


i think its prety cool. Could use a little bit more rock

NemesisTheory responds:

Rock wasn't exactly the angle that was being approached, but hey, why not.

Thanks for the review!

fifty fifty

I didn't like the beggining and i'll just say that. But the rest got most of my attention. I guess it should be 7 and a half stars but since there isn't that option I think it's seven.

Nice sounds and good atmosphere, the personal connection I have with Castlevania is missing for the most part missing in this tune. The attitude of whip slinging badasses doesn't quite shine the way I like it to in this remix. I also don't think this style particularly fit the series. Feels like it could fit a light-hearted anime adaption of the series catering to a modern anime audience.


You know, this sounds much like a real ripoff. I agree with the person who reviewed before me. I hate to say this, but it's too...ripoff-ish. I mean, seriously. It sounds so much like some random music you hear anywhere on the Net, and isn't really pro. So, sorry to say, but I'm giving this a 2/10 only.

P.S. It doesn't suck! Really! But just that it's sounding ripoff. Get it?

NemesisTheory responds:

Ripoff? I can appreciate opinions, but there are times when they just don't make sense.

Do you understand the concept of a remix, a tribute - an homage? It's to honor the original, thus, the original melody is used within a certain context otherwise it can't be placed as a tribute because there is no connection. But as the original was *8-BIT* there is no way in hell that it can be a ripoff, as that's quite honestly what any sane person could tell you, but it appears most of your Cerebellum was taking a break when you wrote that.

You as well should try better next time.

"You know it's a classic."

I saw this on All-Time, and you know, this is an amazing song.

I wasnt a diehard Castlevania fan, in fact, I wasnt a diehard for all Nintendo series at one point or another. Got bored of somethin' (mainly this song),though moved on to another song, you know? Enough about me, though.

This song was not awesome. No joke. It had just enough of the original song to have that sickening unoriginal feel (like a copied midi file), and just enough new material to make it feel old and worn like most video game songs. But anyone whose anyone knows that nothing can beat the true classic, apart from an original song. And a bland assortment of instruments, although a harder, deeper bass would'nt rocked this place een more. And that's what made this song not so awesome.

Oh well. At least I'm not one of those random reviewerd that go "OPMG AWESOME 101010101010!!1!" And the sad part is, most of those guys are grown men. And I'm not 14. Lol.

See ya!

NemesisTheory responds:

Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

I mean seriously. You could be working (making money to spend on doing fun things), you could be hanging out with your friends, you could be hanging out with your (imaginary, perhance?) girlfriend, you could be playing videogames, you could be living your life.

Instead, you're trying (key word is try) to be amusing by ripping off an earlier review for no reason other than to look like an idiot, because that's what you're doing. If that's what you set out to do, by all means, consider it successful.

Kids such as yourself shouldn't waste their time like this. You could be doing better things. But alas, it wasn't meant to be.

So by all means, crawl back under that hole you came from and next time try to be a little more creative so that AT THE VERY LEAST, I can chuckle. The most you're getting out of me today is a facepalm.