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Reviews for "C-Bots"


lol nazi bot FTW

PikaRobo responds:

lol, Nazibot...

COL-LAB is actually the boss of M-Bot: The Game. He has a red band with a flash symbol on it because... I don't know...

Damn your good at working with clay

These are pretty sick. Shame there isn't much lightning.

PikaRobo responds:

Don't worry, I'm currently fixing that problem.

hella - cool

love it man... clay shit is the shit... ever played Neverhood? best clay puzzler comp game ever...

PikaRobo responds:

I've seen videos of it, but I never actually played it. I've played Skull Monkeys though. (It's sequel.)

haha these are so great man

just wish you had a better camera and lighting

PikaRobo responds:

I'm currently re-taking them with better lighting. A better camera seems like a nice idea.


one thing that bothers me is that they dont have names i have no idea who half of them are so one thing that i recamend for the secound pic is name tags thanx for the time


PikaRobo responds:

C-bots stands for Clay-bots. I thought most people would have gotten that.
Since I noticed you are a bit new I'll let it slide. The first six are the main Newgrounds bots (P-Bot, A-Bot, M-Bot, F-Bot, I-Bot, and G-Bot). Visit their profiles to know what they do. They are also on the side banners for Robot Day.

The purple guy is COL-LAB, the final boss in M-Bot: The Game. And the little yellow thing is a version of me! But that should be obvious.

I'm going to make each one separate, so maybe that could help with the tag problems.