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Reviews for "Eternal Blamnation"

This is why newgrounds is loosing it's coolness

I have noticed over the past 4 years that Newgrounds has lost a lot of pizaz. The animations have lost their value because of stupidity both by the Crews and the Crew haters. What ever happened to this being a haven for Flash Creativity. It's time for a change fellas. You have excellent potential. I can see it in your sketch art. But why waste it on something a drole and dry as this. This is a permanent mark on your account. Anytime someone looks up your profile this shit will be there stinking it up. It lowers you as human beings. I am not in favor of the clocks. It is my belief that the clock crew is about as creative as a blowjob. But I am going to defeat them by creating an animation that blows them out of the water. Not by creating something that just makes them laugh at my ability. Please come with something more to you potential.

FUnKy-bAcON responds:

My comrades and I appreciate your constructive critisizm. However, we decided to show how much we like clocks on very short notice. Perhaps we could have bashed the clocks with a better flash had we been given the knowledge beforehand that there was to be a "Clock Day". It was an interesting challange to try and make a movie that wouldn't get blammed within 4 hours of creation.

It's people like you who ruin Newgrounds, you know

Are you really that dumb to vote to zero to a movie you haven't even seen?
Are you really that moronic to bash a whole group, everybody? I don't think you can say the movie sucks just because it's made by a Clock. Before you say all Clocks are faggots, I suggest you make something better than that crap flash. You probably haven't talked to any of them, anyway. You don't know about CC worth a shit, it's so easy to hate them.
You are so hip and cool by hopping into the bandwagon of ignorance.

FUnKy-bAcON responds:

Once you explain to me why you use the easiest way to animate, with a character based on an object with a clock on it, that has a speech generator, that has some infatuation with the letter B, that floods Newgrounds with trash more often than not, then I will stop bashing clocks. I have yet to hear a good reason, or any good explination. Oh, and my dislike is based on reason, not because I just want something to dislike. But you were right about the hip and cool thing.

Your realy got me hatin them clocks. NOOOOOTTTTT

At least do somthing besides call him gay.
Hows this got through I'll never know!


There's a little 'Forum' link at the very top of the page right next to 'Help' and 'Chat' There's a what, 12 page post on Clock Day? Hope that helps, asswipe.

FUnKy-bAcON responds:

Well...No, it doesn't help, chode smoker.


you fucking suck,

strawberry is teh fucking king
you just showed everyone that you are a fucking mindless blammer