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Reviews for "Resident Evil (REAL LIFE"


What happened? One shot to the head should kill a zombie, plus the zombies were far from me and I still lost. Fucking stupid. Make this game more...like a game. Just try harder.


I'm a fan of Resident Evil. It contains so much terror, suspense, and thrills that it's among my favorite video games. So, naturally, I saw this flash game and though 'Gee whiz! A flash Resident Evil! This will be great!'

Boy, this was so terrible I wanted to cry.

Now, there ARE worse things out there (of course, that's not saying much.) This reminds me a lot of the current Turd of the Week that's based on Enter the Matrix. The difference is THAT was based on a terrible game, while this was based on a very good game, which means you'll upset a lot more people with a sloppy mess such as this. Bottom line is, this is very, very bad, and it insults the subject matter. Do me a favor and make a game about clocks...


It was okay so far..... i need to see the rest of the flash first

uuuuh major problems

um the zombie you first fight walks when you shoot at it and when you continue to the next place with two zombies you just die automaticly and theres no way out of dieing!!! (right when the screen shows the area you die)

What the hell?

What is this? Real life my ass. Isn't real life meaning, it should involve real humans and real objects? This is just a cartoon. There are so many areas to improve I can't even start.