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Reviews for "King DeDeDe On E"

Simply Epic...

You do great things with your songs Ferrex. Don't let fuckheads like Navi down there disappoint you or discourage you with their superior sounding bullshit. This song is awesome, and don't you let anyone tell you otherwise. Music is an artform. And music, just like fine art, must be taken for what it is, and admired for what it is, not broken down and examined piece by piece to find the flaws in it.

My personal opinion is that Navi's music is absolutely terrible. After listening to it, I had to come back here and listen to a few of your songs to clear it out of my head. I might also point out, that at the very moment of this review, that most of Navi's songs with the same vote count have scored less than this song of yours here. And that is community opinion, and fact, not personal opinion on my part. So, keep that in mind when you make your next song. Don't listen to anything but your emotions and feelings when making the song. Let the notes and sounds flow from your mind and into the mix to create the perfect sound that you're looking for.

Keep up the awesome work, Ferrex.

DDD must fail!

Bring it!


Awesome take on gourmet race.


those guys of nintendo really could learn something from you ...

Super Cool Techno Remix!

This remix does represent real techno! You deserve 5/5 and 10/10. I first heard it from a video called Top 10 best and worst Kirby abilities by Toadmyster2. It was really good!