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Reviews for "*Hot Desire* / ZeRo BaSs"

Great stuff.

Some of the parts had a little bit of swing in it. Especially the melody at the end ;) Makes me want to dance a little bit.

You should try and make goa stuff, see how well you do with that. Check out the-xi.newgrounds.com if you want to hear some too.

I've uploaded a loop and it's my first upload, so whenever it comes out on to the AP, besure to review it. Thanks!

ZeRo-BaSs responds:

Thank you! I will..

Best Dance Song Ever

Can't get enough of this song it is like it is the perfect song. What is the BPM on this song? and what kind of plug-ins or samples did you use for this most excellent piece of work. BTW this is the best intro even though you used this in a previous song there aint nothing wrong with a good thing. Keep on rockin' and thank you ZeRo-BaSs

ZeRo-BaSs responds:

Hi Marks-a-lot!
the BPM is 158..:)

Really exciting...

Best song to wake up in the morning to in my opinion. Excites and packs a punch. Good job on this, I wonder what I can use your other songs for...

ZeRo-BaSs responds:

:) ty


Has wrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy written all over it. 5 for you.


how do you keep making such good songs?
are you using drugs or something?
anyway, fantastic song!!!