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Reviews for "Stick Figure Suicide"


this has about as much interactive content as a movie. move it to that section, take it off the front page, then deleat it and it might do a little better. sound loops really suck. when you hear him scream in 15 different voices for a minute or so it... blows. the artist is okay at flash but needs to put this on some thrid rate site where no one has to see it. ever.

ripe off

this is a rip off penalty chamerber

Oh my God I think I'm gonna be sick.....

............................................I dont know what the hell you were smokin, what you were thinking, or what kind of sick twisted person you are, but I cant imagine that someone would take pleasure in the disgusting, brutal, and outright blood bath filled ways to kill a person as you put in there. There is so much of blood and brainmatter spilling and exploding all over, it just makes me more ill than anything i have yet seen on newgrounds, or on the entire internet for that matter. I wanted to vote the violence as high as I could, but it does'nt go up to 159, only 10. For the love of God, and every living creature on this earth, I beg you to take this down. Mankind was never meant to see things of this nature.

that was a fat waste of time

hahahahhahahahahahahahhhhhahahahahahhahahahahahhahaahahahah ahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhhahahahahaahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahha hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha h that sucked

*executes a golf clap*

to start of, ide like you to know, this is only the opinion of one. i think your movie was lacking and unoriginal, but since it's on the front page, who am i to argue.... well, im patrick downing, that's who, and i always have somthing to say.

that was a decent attemp at funny, but it wasn't quite there. throughout the whole movie i was thinking "hmm, i wonder why he's so coordinated when shit-faced drunk?" it was repetitive as all hell, if changed some of the ideas around it would be good, but it's to repetitive and overall not interesting. there was blood, there was a shit-load of brains(a little much in my opinion...), there was violence... what more could i ask for? well, actually, i was kinda discusted. this was total shit. it had the makings of greatness, but it's exicution was terrible. who really wants to watch a stick figure die in different ways? even if i get to pick how, that doesn't make it fun... take angry hillbilllys for instance, they are great, they are everything a stick figure movie should be and then some, although a bit lacking in blood and violence. if your gonna have a stick figure movie give it an actual story.