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Reviews for "Bob and Joe - Episode 1"

Great Potential

I very much liked the animation, very nice.

You should definately invite some people to assist you with the sound, as many people has pointed out. Also, I found the music to appear a bit hacking, maybe some fading or even someone who could make a soundtrack to this series.

You have skills, use them and let other people do what you cannot do, then you'll have a much better movie.

I liked the way you incorporated your drawings at the end maybe you should do another project where you make a Cartoon/Flash crossover.

nice job

nice job on the animation, sound was good to. but it was kinda pointless. when am i gonna find a flash cartoon about a fetus!! please someone make a flash with a fetus as the main Carachter???? please????

Not Bad

It was pretty good. It made me laugh. It was kind of weird and I noticed some weird sound effects being louder than the other or being cut-off but I'd like to see another episode.


It was ok not the best Ive seen should it really get 4th place..I mean cmon is the other animations so crappy geez.

It was mediocre

It was mediocre in my opinion, I didn't really care for it... but it could have been worse...