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Reviews for "Absalom RPG 2"


Sorry but that game blowed hard.....


This one rocked! this is getting a 5/5 and a 10/10

BTW, for the passwords, you must TYPE IN ALL CAPS

flash's passwords are case sensitive and in this case are ALL CAPS

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

Is it just me or do the passwords do nothing at all??? o and if you have a working password please post it....thx

Well Done.

This is a well designed rpg, and a nice sequel to the first Absalom.


A nicely built game from a skilled coder, obviously.

I see a few spots where the game could be improved, however.

For one, the attacks are too... unbalanced. Some of them have apparently no effects, and others' effects make others useless... Ponderous made her previous special attack almost useless... at least to me anyway... I don't put much emphasis on my defense though.

For two, the password system needs to be a bit more complex. It took me all of five minutes to find the patterns within it, and enhance my characters slightly in the beginning. This was fine though, because if I hadn't, I woulda spent all night leveling up. "Tough love" was an understatement on this game. I have noticed already that chapter 3 looks as if it will use a slightly more complex and differently done password, but I somehow fear that this will only make it take slightly longer. ;) To me, however, this problem is greatly irrelevant to the development of the game, just thought I'd point it out.

Thirdly, I think the plot needs to be a little more complex... from a die-hard, experienced RPG'er and reader's perspective (yeah, that's me, don't laugh too hard) I think the characters and all could stand to be a little better developed... After all, don't any of the characters have pasts? families? loves? hates? fears? creepy thoughts that make them wake up screaming at night? Again, not a MAJOR issue, but something that could be developed on, made better.

Of course, the American Revolution could've been better, or perhaps D-Day. Anything could be better. But I don't think anyone's going to complain about those two needing to be better, just like nobody's going to complain too much about this needing to be better.

Overall, it's bloody awesome. That's why I gave it a 10, and played it... twice.

Can't wait for chapter 3.