that ruled
everyone play it because it rulz
when pulled it makes Tension COOL!!
that ruled
everyone play it because it rulz
but fun. You should put this into a preloader in a movie, when it's on its own it's quite fun but gets boring.
Nice work.
((( LOVE IT )))
Wow thats a nice game, i must have spent like 10 minutes on this game with all the crazy wiggkes and twists, it addictive, but fun, very entertaining, just loved it, maybe add some music...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Twist the chain...
Neato....::pulls the the chain again::...haha! Oh wow...::pulls the chain yet again and it smacks him in the face:: OW!...haha this is sooooo cool!
=) (2)
Man, that was pretty fucking cool.
I don't know if it's stolen or not, but it kicks ass.
I love little flash things like this.
That's such a small file size too.
thanks you, just to tell you it isnt stolen