This video...
was ALOT better than your first two, just because of the fact that you put in longer clips. My advice to you though is get a better (and longer) way of killing everyone. That and to make sure to put in Sound effects.
A Third Act.. I Bet You All Are Happy. There's Nothing New, Just More Violence. But This Is The Last In The Series. I'll Make Some Different Flash Movies, Use Some Different Style.. I'm Busy Experimenting With Some Stuff Right Now. So We Aint Nowhere Near Finished, As Much As Most Of You Are Disappointed.
Like We Said, If You Don't Like Our Style All Because We Use Sticks, Then Feel Free To Wait Untill We Make Some New Releases, We Got Some Ideas In Mind. Thanks For Not Bashing!
This video...
was ALOT better than your first two, just because of the fact that you put in longer clips. My advice to you though is get a better (and longer) way of killing everyone. That and to make sure to put in Sound effects.
Your movie sux. Quit reporting people for telling the actual truth. If you ask me you should just give up completely if you can't take the opinion of everybody around you. Do what everybody says with this and put more thought into it. Don't hate the reviewers.
Way Better
Seriously this is way better than your last two. I loved this one.
it was alright
It was OK. To do better next time, You need to be a bit more creative, put some sound effects in there, and make the animation a bit more fluid. Also slow it down a bit.
i dont like it that much but it was a good idea, wasnt bad tho, just put more effort or creativity
keep working